“Black-Out Dance Theatre” – a dance project founded under the leadership of Artistic Director of the Lueneburg Theater Francisco Sanchez Martinez
Dancing in advanced age – with people aged 45 and over – only for amateurs
The aim is to create a platform for jointly exploring the scope of capability for creative expression at an advanced age.
Under the supervision of internationally active choreographer and present ballet director in Lueneburg, Francisco Sanchez Martinez, the group of men and women 45 years of age and older developed the basic elements of dance theater and presented themselves in their own facial expression, dynamics and body language.
Work is done on one’s own possibilities for physical expression. The individual options, curiosity and one’s own realm of experience, are here the point of departure and guiding path. By participating in the artistic process, one can experience one’s own vitality and show one’s own feelings.
During these processes, the use space, the theory of exploring movement, rhythm, body language, and contact improvisation are trained and formed.
The project will by presented due to continued popularity at the end of the season in a public performance. The jointly developed choreographic creations will be shown under the working title “Work in Progress”.
In dance there are no mistakes, only variations (Flavio Alborino)
Francisco Sanchez Martinez